Can Biden Just Pick a VP Already?


It sure seems like Joe Biden is the candidate most likely to be able to oust President Trump this November, but he’s certainly not the most energizing. Biden’s choice of running mate will probably make or break his campaign’s ability to drum up the enthusiasm crucial to actually winning the general election, and there’s mounting pressure for him to select a Black woman for the role.

On Thursday’s episode of The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg got into it with her guest, author Tiffany Cross, about whether Senator Tammy Duckworth would be a satisfactory pick and just how many demands Black voters should be able to make in the run-up to what will certainly be one of the most significant elections of our lifetime.

Goldberg contended that Duckworth would be a fine choice and that it would be “enough” to get Trump out of office, while Scott held strong in her belief that Black voters shouldn’t have to make so many concessions in the political sphere.

“You have well-qualified women, who are just as qualified as Senator Tammy Duckworth,” Scott said. “Why not pick somebody who speaks to the base that upholds you, your candidacy, and this country?”

Goldberg suggested that Black voters shouldn’t be so focused on themselves, saying,“What it kind of sounds like is, take care of us as opposed to, ‘Listen, we know you’re coming and you’ve got to take care of everybody because we’re sitting in a bunch of dookie right now.’”

“But Whoopi, why is it bad for Black voters to say, ‘Take care of us,” Scott responded. Well, it’s not! What’s bad is Democratic candidates treating the Black vote like a monolith that they can take for granted.

Watch the video above for more of what Goldberg and Scott had to say.

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