Jesus Fucking Christ, Ben Carson


Sleepy Republican Ben Carson keeps comparing modern struggles to World War II. Why does he keep doing this? Is that the only part of history he knows?

Previous comparisons have been insulting and misinformed (like when he said Jews wouldn’t have died in the Holocaust if they had had guns). The latest instance, however, is just insultingly dumb.

At a talk at the National Press Club on Friday, he compared his presidential campaign to D-Day—the day over 9,000 soldiers were killed or wounded invading Nazi-occupied France—because they stood up for their country and so will Ben Carson.

“What if on D-Day our soldiers invading the beaches of Normandy had seen their colleagues being cut down, a hundred bodies laying in the sand, a thousand bodies laying in the sand. What if they had been frightened and turned back? Well, I guarantee you they were frightened, but they didn’t turn back. They stepped over the bodies of their colleagues, knowing in many cases that they would never see their homeland or their loved ones again. And they stormed those Axis troops, and they took that beach, and they died.”

“They did it for you, and they did it for me, and now it’s our turn,” he said, deftly pivoting to the State of America. “Are we willing to stand up? Or are we afraid that somebody’s going to call us a nasty name? Or that we’re going to get an IRS audit? Or that somebody’s going to mess with our job?”

“You know, we have a lot less to lose than they did. And the people who are always telling me to hang in there, don’t let them get to you, believe me: Do not worry about it, because the stakes are much too high.”

Is Ben Carson saying that a Democratic president is the equivalent of Nazi Germany continuing to occupy Europe for the second half of the 20th century? Or is he saying that his willingness to be audited by the IRS is as brave as a U.S. soldier who jumped out of a plane while being shot at?

Carson, will you please clarify exactly how brave you are?

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty.

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