Ivanka Trump Continues Her Women's Empowerment Tour by Campaigning for Anti-Abortion Extremist


Ivanka Trump took a break from her busy schedule of tweeting about job numbers that have nothing to do with actual working people to campaign for Kim Reynolds, Iowa’s vehemently anti-abortion governor.

In May, Reynolds signed the most restrictive abortion ban in the country,
which bans abortions after six weeks—before many people even know they are pregnant—with exceptions for rape, incest, or fetal anomaly. The law requires doctors to perform an ultrasound, and if they detect a heartbeat, forbids them from performing an abortion. Whatever the small print says, the law is a de facto ban on all abortion in the state. (A judge has temporarily blocked the law from going into effect while a lawsuit challenging it on constitutional grounds plays out. Similar pre-viability bans passed in other states have been blocked in court.)

Kim Reynolds supports forced birth (along with corporate giveaways at the expense of regular Iowans), but she is also a woman. For Ivanka, two of those three things actually matter. Try to guess which.

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