If This Brave Child Can Stutter on National TV, You Can Call Your Mother Back

If This Brave Child Can Stutter on National TV, You Can Call Your Mother Back

Adults everywhere are terrified of doing the smallest, most pedestrian tasks, like calling their mother back, answering the phone when their doctor calls, or making dentist appointments for themselves. These adults are scared of the telephone—quaint. I respect anyone and everyone’s tendency towards real or fake “introversion,” but if Brayden Harrington can find the strength to read a speech on national television, then you can, too!

On the final night of the DNC, Harrington bravely stood in front of a webcam in his bedroom and read a speech praising Joe Biden for giving him the strength to speak publicly despite his stutter.

The DNC has been a long, strange trip that culminated in Grampa Joe accepting the nomination, but the one highlight of the proceedings, aside from Rhode Island’s calamari, was Harrington’s willingness to be both vulnerable and brave.

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