Half of America Thinks the Government Is Out to Get Them


Republicans are really concerned about the size of the American government. In fact, they’re pretty sure that, like the bogeyman or Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus, it is out to get them, according to a recent Gallup poll.

In the Washington Post, columnist Chris Cillizza writes that in trying to understand the popularity of Donald Trump—who 60 Minutes reporter Scott Pelley recently described as a “hurricane of words”—the numbers were eye-opening.

Since 2003, the number of people who think “the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens” has risen from 30 to 49 percent in 2015. So, half of the country believes that the American government wants to hold them hostage. Noted.

65 percent of self-identified Republicans think the federal government poses an immediate threat to their rights and freedoms versus 32 percent of Democrats.

Ironically, according to Gallup poll head Frank Newport, the Republicans really started fearing the government when President Obama began running the country. Funny how race is a clear factor in these numbers and calls up all of the teary-eyed white people during John McCain’s run for the White House, crying about “losing their America.”

In answer to another Gallup poll question about what rights and freedoms the government might pose a threat to, here are the top 10 worst fears:

Too many law/government too big in general
Violations of freedoms/civil liberties
Gun control/Violating Second Amendment
Too much involvement in people’s private lives
Socialist government
Taking away freedom of speech/Violating First Amendment
Taking away freedom of religion
Police/Law enforcement violence/arrests
Government Surveillance of citizens/emails/phone records
Marriage issue

Cillizza writes that Trump’s popularity is among these types of political doomsday preppers, if you will. They think America’s near the end of days regarding the right to hate whomever you want while carrying a rifle, your Christianity and a Norman Rockwell painting.

Here’s a solution for those terrified Americans worried about their rights; maybe look into marooning yourself on an island without any rules and govern yourself like Lord of the Flies or The Beach—then don’t send any word on how it works out.

Contact the author at [email protected].

Gif via Walt Disney Pictures.

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